The sun has just broken through
the deepest dark rain cloud. I am watching the leaves catch the last of the weekend sun. A dog barks way down the road welcoming home his friend. There is an immense stillness in the city after summer rain. It feels as if the buildings are blinking their eyes open again. Everything soft. Everything new. But things are not always this simple, are they?
'In times of uncertainty and insecurity, how can we achieve lasting happiness? How do we find contentment in our discontent? It is interesting to note that Patanjali lists santosha (contentment) as one of the five niyamas, implying that it is not just a state of mind, but something to be practiced and cultivated.' Jarvis Chan
Santosha, the word of the day. Contentment. Contentment with any situation. It is easy to accept things when there is so much obvious beauty in our world, when things float easily along. The real work starts when the rain starts to fall. The rain has just started chucking down and you're on your bike. You can't see the cars are beeping their horns for you to move out of their way. Buses go by too fast and soak you and you didn't think to bring a coat.
Santosha is real when the swearing becomes a nod, a smile even. When you begin to enjoy the feel of your wet toes wrinkling into prunes your new sandals. When you are no longer thinking about the warm yoga studio you left or the cosy home you will soon arrive at, but stay with the fresh feeling of the rain on your face.
This is my Swadhaya, this is my study most weeks.
This week I had the pleasure to teach some incredible women at the Whitechaple Mission. The people who run it are angels, I have never seen such incredible work and generosity. The women there are some of the bravest, most straight talking, honest and grateful people I have had the pleasure of teaching. Please, if you have a spare fiver or a skill you'd like to share please get in touch!
As usual I have classes at Stretch in Broadway Market and at Columbia Road, so get checking the old timetable for any changes. I have anew class on Friday lunch times on Columbia Road!
Also I am running a retreat with Stretch in Marocco in early March 2015. I know it's ages away. But it's never too early to book these things.
And I will be teaching a weekend intensive in Dorset in September. Dates and location to be confirmed. Email me with any questions.
If you ever have any questions about classes, 121's or private and corporate sessions please drop me a line.
Om shanti.
Aquila. xxxxx |
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